Android Interview Material

Q1] What is Retrofit?
Ans:- Retrofit is a REST client for Android, through which you can make easy to use interfaces which can turn any Android app into a powerful one. Retrofit is developed by Square Inc. Retrofit turns your REST API into a Java interface. Retrofit can perform Async and sync requests with automatic JSON parsing without any effort.

Q2] What is Volley?
Ans:- Volley is a networking library it offers great features like synchronous requests, asynchronous requests, prioritization, making multiple requests at the same time, ordered requests, and of course caching.

Q3] Difference between retrofit and volley?
Retrofit Volley

Retrofit can parse many other types of responses automatically like:
Boolean – Web API response needs to be a boolean.
Integer – Web API response needs to be an integer.
Date– Web API response should be a Long format date.
String – Web API response needs to be in String format.
Object – Web API response needs to be in a JSON object.
Collections – Web API response needs to be in a String Format. Image Loading.

StringRequest – This type of request converts the response into a String.
JsonObjectRequest – This type of request and response is automatically converted into a JSONObject.
JsonArrayRequest – This type of request and response is automatically converted into a JSONArray.
ImageRequest – This type of request converts the response into a decoded bitmap.

Retrofit does not support caching.

Caching: Android volley has a flexible caching mechanism. When a request is made through volley first the cache is checked for an appropriate response if it is found there than it is returned and parsed else network hit is made.

Retrofit does not support any retrying mechanism. But it can be achieved manually by doing some extra code.

Retrying Mechanism With volley, we can set a retry policy using the setRetryPolicy method. It supports the customized request timeout, number of retries, and backoff multiplier.

On the other hand, Retrofit has full support for Post Requests and Multipart uploads.

Post Requests and Multipart Uploads: Volley supports both posts requests and multipart uploads but for post requests, we have to convert our java objects to JSONObject. Also for multipart uploads, we have to do some extra code and use some additional classes

4] Difference between list view and recycler view?



Yes, RecyclerView requires an additional dependency

No, available natively

Mandatory ViewHolder pattern providing better performance

ViewHolder pattern can be supported with customisation

Advanced Layout Management capabilities for vertical and horizontal lists, grids and staggered grids

Vertical list only

Supports notifications if the entire data set has changed, item gets added, item gets removed or item gets changed

Supports notifications if the entire data set has changed

Dividers between items not shown by default. Use ItemDecorations to add margin and draw on or under an Item View.

Dividers between items shown by default. Item decoration requires customisation for ListView.

ItemAnimator makes it easy to add animations

Very complex to implement

5] What are the different threads in android?

  • AsyncTask: Helps get work on/off the UI thread
  • HandlerThread: Thread for callbacks
  • ThreadPoolExecutor: Running lots of parallel work
  • IntentService: Helps get intents off the UI thread

6] Difference between MVP and MVVM?

MVP (Model-View-Presenter)

MVVM (Model-View -ViewModel)

In MVP we have Tight coupling between View and Presenter.

In MVVM No tight coupling between the view and viewmodel.

MVP have one to one relation between view and presenter.

MVVM have one to many relation between view and viewmodel.

In MVP The Presenter has knowledge about the View.

In MVVM ViewModel do not have reference of the View.

MVP is ideal for simple and complex applications.

MVVM is not ideal for small scale projects.

In mvp we use large amount of interfaces for interaction between layers.

In MVVM No interfaces between view and model. we have to create observables for each UI component.

In MVP code size is quite Large

In MVVM code size is less.

In MVP Presenter need to check if view is still alive when invoking methods.

In MVVM LiveData Solves issue if view is alive.

In MVP Easy to carry out Unit testing but a tight bond of View and Presenter makes it slightly difficult

In MVVM Easy to do unit testing.

7] How MVVM works ?

MVVM stands for model view -viewmodel
     The view means activity or fragment is only responsible for what is visible on view and dose not know anything about the model, it only displays data.
     The view-model only exposes data to the view, it doesn’t care where the data comes from.
     The model is only concerned with data. We don’t have any functions that format the data for the help of the view

7.1]  LiveData:
    LiveData is an observable data holder class, and it is Lifecycle aware component. it means, it respects the lifecycle of other app components
          like activities, fragments, and services. we can say that LiveData is only updates app component observers that are in an active lifecycle state.
    The advantages of using LiveData.
    -we dont have memory leaks
    -We dont get crashes due to stopped activities
    -we always get updated data
    -If an activity or fragment is recreated due to a configuration change, like device rotation, it immediately receives the latest available data.

7.2] livedata/Mutable livedata: postValue/setValue
   When we don’t want to modified our data, at that time we use LiveData. If we want to modify our data later we use MutableLiveData.
  -we can update value using setValue() and postValue()method //getuser().setValue(userObject) or getuser().postValue(userObject)
  =While using main thread to update the data we can use setValue() method of MutableLiveData Class, and When using background thread to update
   the LiveData we use PostValue() method of MutableLiveData.

7.3] ViewModel use:
    ViewModel is a class which is responsible for preparing and managing the data for view like Activity and Fragment.
          It also handles the communication of the Activity / Fragment with the rest of the application.
          The ViewModel class allows data to survive configuration changes such as screen rotations.
          ViewModel objects are automatically retained during configuration changes so that data they hold is immediately available to the next
          activity or fragment instance.
    advantages of using ViewModel
    -it Handle configuration changes:
    -Lifecycle Awareness: They are automatically cleared when the Lifecycle they are observing gets permanently destroyed.
    -Data Sharing: Data can be easily shared between fragments in an activity using ViewModels
    //Kotlin-Coroutines support

8] What is a ViewBinding?

View binding allows us to more easily write code that interacts with views. Once view binding is enabled in a module, it generates a binding class for each XML layout file present in that module. An instance of a binding class contains direct references to all views that have an ID in the corresponding layout.

The Data Binding Library is a support library that allows you to bind UI components in your layouts to data sources in your app using a declarative format rather than programmatically.

Differences View Binding and Data Binding

1.     View Binding library is faster than Data Binding library as it is not utilising annotation processors underneath, and when it comes to compile time speed View Binding is more efficient.

2.     The one and only function of View Binding is to bind the views in the code. While Data Binding offers some more options like Binding Expressions, which allows us to write expressions the connect variables to the views in the layout.

3.     Data Binding library works with Observable Data objects, you don't have to worry about refreshing the UI when underlying data changes.

4.     Data Binding library provides us with Binding Adapters.

5.     Data Binding library provides us with Two way Data Binding, this is a technique of binding your objects to xml layouts, so that both object and layout can send data to each other.

9] What is the difference between Activity and AppCompatActivity?

AppCompatActivity provides native ActionBar support that is consistent across the application. Also, it provides backward compatibility for other material design components till SDK version 7(ActionBar was natively available since SDK 11). Extending an Activity doesn’t provide any of these. Note: Since SDK 21 every activity by default, extends AppCompatActivity.

10] Activity, AppCompatActivity, FragmentActivity and ActionBarActivity. How are they related?

Activity is the base class. FragmentActivity extends Activity. AppCompatActivity extends FragmentActivity. ActionBarActivity extends AppCompatActivity. FragmentActivity is used for fragments. Since the build version 22.1.0 of the support library, ActionBarActivity is deprecated. It was the base class of appcompat-v7. At present, AppCompatActivity is the base class of the support library. It has come up with many new features like ToolBar, tinted widgets, material design color pallets etc.

11] What is Android Support Library and why is it recommended?

The android platform supports a wide variety of the versions and devices to choose from. With the release of every new version, new Android APIs are added and evolved. To make these new Android APIs available to users on older devices the Android Support Library was designed. Android Support Library provides developers with newer APIs that are compatible on older framework releases.

12] Describe the structure of Android Support Library?

Android Support Library is not just a single library. It’s a collection of libraries that have different naming conventions and usages. On a higher level, it’s divided into three types;

  1. Compatibility Libraries: These focus on back porting features so that older frameworks can take advantage of newer releases. The major libraries include v4 and v7-appcompat. v4 includes classes like DrawerLayout and ViewPager while appcompat-v7 provides classes for support ActionBar and ToolBar.
  2. Component Libraries: These include libraries of certain modules that don’t depend on other support library dependencies. They can be easily added or removed. Examples include v7-recyclerview and v7-cardview.
  3. Miscellaneous libraries: The Android support libraries consists of few other libraries such as v8 which provides support for RenderScript, annotations for supporting annotations like @NonNull.

13] Differentiate between onCreate(), onStart(), onResume(), onDestroy(), onStop(), onPause(). When are they called during the lifecycle of an Activity?

onCreate() is the first method that’s invoked when an activity is launched for the first time. onStart() is invoked after onCreate() has completed it’s task. onResume() is called after onStart() has completed. When an activity leaves its foreground (probably for a smaller duration such as standby/sleep) onPause() is invoked followed by onStop()(when the activity is not visible. eg. some other application is launched). onDestroy() is called when the activity or application is killed. Essentially the lifecycle methods are divided into three layers of duration :

  1. onCreate() and onDestroy() are present during the entire duration of the activity
  2. onStart() and onStop() are present while the activity is visible
  3. onResume() and onPause() are present while the activity is in foreground
14] How does the activity respond when the user rotates the screen?

When the screen is rotated, the current instance of the activity is destroyed a new instance of the Activity is created in the new orientation. The onRestart() method is invoked first when a screen is rotated. The other lifecycle methods get invoked in the similar flow as they were when the activity was first created.

15] Where do onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() come in the activity lifecycle? How is the data saved and restored from these methods?

In general the onSaveInstanceState() is invoked after onPause() and before the onStop(). But the API documentation explicitly states that the onSaveInstanceState( ) method will be called before onStop() but makes no guarantees it will be called before or after onPause(). The onRestoreInstanceState() is called after onStart() is invoked. The onRestoreInstanceState() method is invoked only when the activity was killed before. If the activity is NOT killed the onSaveInstanceState() is NOT called. When the activity is being destroyed, the onSaveInstanceState() gets invoked. The onSaveInstanceState contains a Bundle parameter. The data to be saved is stored in the bundle object in the form of a HashMap. The bundle object is like a custom HashMap object. The data is retrieved in the onRestoreInstanceState() method using the keys.

16] View Life Cycle
1] Constructors, 2] Messure, 3] onMessure, 4] Layout, 5] onLayout, 6] dispachTodraw,  7] draw, 8] onDraw, 9] visible to user

17] Activity LifeCycle?

18] Fragment LifeCycle?

Interview Questions Over Kotlin

1] Features of kotlin.
   Kotlin provides many powerful features over Java like.
   -Concise code:: Every developers love clean and concise code. Less code takes less time to write, less time to read, it have less bugs and
    also makes easy to maintain it.
   -Null safety:: More than 70% android app crashes due to null pointer exception of java. But Kotlin handles nulls pointer exception really nicely.
    In Kotlin we cannot get null pointer exception implicitly.
   -Expressive code:: Kotlin is really expressive. All data types, built-in functions, keywords, are very expressive and easily understandable.
    Kotlin is designed in such a way so that even a person who never codes in kotlin can easily understand its code.
   -Interoperability with Java: Kotlin is 100% interoperable with java. You can easily call Kotlin code from Java and Java code from Kotlin.
   -Modern features:: in kotlin they introduces a lot of new features like Lambda functions, smart casts, null safety, operator overloading.
    Which will help in increasing productivity.

2] Kotlin vs java
    -Kotlin is null safe lang
    -Kotlin have extension function
    -Data classes
    -Type Inference:Kotlin we dont need to specify the type, of each varaible explicity base on assignemnt.
    -Kotlin allows writing less code
    -It solves developer challenges
    -Adopting Kotlin is easy
    -Kotlin is fully compatible with Java

3] JvmStatic, JvmOverloads, and JvmField
   - When we call the Kotlin code from the Java we use jvmstatic, jvmoverloads, jvmField.
   -jvmStatic: the package-level functions are represented as static methods. Also, in Kotlin, we can make static methods for functions that are
     defined in some companion object or named object by using the @JvmStatic annotation. From java we can call that method without INSTANCE keyword.
           We direclty call classname dot variable.
   -JvmOverloads: to use the default value, we can use the @JvmOverloads annotation. Now, after using the annotation , calling from Java,
    we do not need to pass all the parameters.
   -JvmField: if you want a particular field to be used as a normal field and not as getter or setter then we have to tell the compiler not to
    generate any getter and setter for the same and this can be done by using the @JvmField annotation. 

4] == & === Difference: ==(Structural) && === Referecial
   == operator is used to compare the data of two variables.
   === operator is used to compare the reference of two variable or object.

5] Difference between const val
   const and val both imutable. val variable is initialized at runtime and const initialized at compile time

lateinit and Lazy
  The lateinit keyword is used for late initialization of variables. it can be use with var not val. When we initilize the value, need to check is that initilized or not. //we can chcek if(this::courseName.isInitialized)
  we use Lazy mainly when we want to access some read-only property. it can be use with val not var. benefit of using lazy is the object will be created only when it is called, otherwise it will not be created. once the object is initialized, it will use the same object again when called.//val heavyObject: HeavyClass by lazy {}

6] Primary Constructor and secondary constructor:
   -Primary Constructor are declare in the class header.
   -secondary constructor declare inside the class using the constructor keyword. we need to explicitly call primary constructor from the secondary constructor.
   -The code inside the init block is the first to be executed when the class is instantiated. The init block is run every time the class is instantiated.
   // When Object is create than first primary constructor get called after primary constructor init() Block get called than secondary blocked get called. 

7] Secondary Constructor Limitation
    property of the class can’t be declared inside the secondary constructor. (val or var can not use while declaring)

8] How to achive **Singlton in kotlin:
   -we can use the object keyword to make Singleton class
   -We also use companion object to achive singlton.// by declaring the companion object, we can access the members of the class by class name only(which is without explicitly creating the instance of the class).

9] Object Limitation:
   in object we dont have Constructor
   An object cannot be instantiated like the way a class is instantiated.
   An object gets instantiated when it is used for the first time.(Lazy with)

10] Scope function:(let, run, with, also, apply)

 scope function are functions that executes a block of code in context of an object. it create a temp scope.

10.1] -let(): it will used for if value is not null lets execute a block OR return a result of call Chain
     i.e nullableString?.let {if nullable string is not null then  executes this block}  

10.2]  -apply () : its also used for initialize object but its going to return a same object

10.3] -also() : its used for debugging purpose and get the result in the mid of chain .

10.4] -with() :use case for with is introducing a helper object whose properties or functions will be used for calculating a value.
            val numbers = mutableListOf("one", "two", "three")
            val firstAndLast = with(numbers) {
                               "The first element is ${first()}," +
                               " the last element is ${last()}"

10.5]   -run() : When we want to initialize a object and perform some operation on it but its going to return different object.
     i.e fun main(){
         val info =Person("Dev" "25").run{
         this.address ="pune"
         } // run ends

11] Extension function:
    It is member function of class which is define outside the class.  eg. fun <class_name>.<method_name>() 
    fun String.clearString(string: String){
    println("String::  "+string.substring(1,string.length-1))


12] Lambda Function
    Lambda is a function which has no name. Lambda is defined with a curly braces {} which takes variable as a parameter (if any) and body of function.
          The body of function is written after variable (if any) followed by -> operator.


13] **higher-Order Functions:
    A higher-order function is a function which have functions as parameters or we can returns a function. eg fun passMeFunction(abc: () -> Unit) {}
    fun operation(): (Int) -> Int { return ::square }
    fun square(x: Int) = x * x 

14] Data Class:
    Data classes are model classes which we create to hold data. In java we create pojo class with getter and setter function which lot of boiler plate code.
    In kotlin we just have to write data class classname and it's member variable.
    It compile automatically generate utility methods for class. It generate getter, setter, component & copy method. Data class create equal, hashcode and tostring method. 

15]  Inline function:
   -Inline function is instruct compiler to insert complete body of the function, wherever that function used in the code.
    this increase the bytecode size slightly but saves us lot of memory.
   -Noinline can be used when we have an inline function with multiple lambdas as parameters and we don't want to inline all of them.
   -Crossinline helps us enforce the control flow (return statement) of lambda functions passed 
as arguments in inline functions. Avoiding non-local control flow.

16] **Access Modifer in Kotlin:(private, protected, public and internal)
    public: visiblity is everywhere
    private: visiblity is inside the same class only
    protected: visiblity is inside the same class and its subclasses
    internal: visiblity is inside the same module. A module means a group of files that are compiled together. eg. an IntelliJ IDEA module; a Maven project;

17] two way of getting data from corouting ?
    One shot requests are requests that are run each time they are called — they always complete after the result is ready.
    Streaming requests are requests that continue to observe changes and report them to caller — they don’t complete when the first result is ready."

18] Suspend functions / suspending
  Suspend functions are only allowed to be called from a coroutine or another suspend function. kotlin corouting api provide lot of suspending functions to make work easy.

19] **Coroutines
    Coroutines is most latest and most effective way of asynchronous programming and multithreading in android development. coroutines are like lightweight threads. They are used for co-operative multitasking where a process voluntarily give away control periodically or when idle in order to enable multiple applications to be run simultaneously. we can execute many coroutines in single thread.

20] GlobalScope and lifecycle/CoroutineScope and ViewModelScope:
    When Coroutines are launched within the global scope, they run as long as the application run. suppose coroutines finish it’s a job, it will be destroyed and will not keep alive until the application dies, but suppose coroutines has some work left to do, and suddenly we end the application, then the coroutines will also die, as the maximum lifetime of the coroutine is to the life of the application. Coroutines launched in the global scope will be launched in a separate thread.

    The lifecycle scope is the same as the global scope, only difference is that when we use the lifecycle scope,
          all the coroutines launched within the activity also dies when the activity dies. If activity dies coroutines will not keep running
    A ViewModelScope is defined for each ViewModel in our app. Any coroutine launched in viewmodel scope is automatically canceled if the
          ViewModel is cleared. Coroutines are useful here for when you have work that needs to be done only if the ViewModel is active

21] superwiser scope:
The coroutineScope will get cancel whenever any of its children fail. If we want to continue with the other tasks, even one task get fails, we use supervisorScope. A supervisorScope won’t cancel other children when one of them fails. This scope we use for exception handling the Kotlin Coroutines.

22] Dispatchers:

There are majorly three types of Dispatchers IO, Default, and Main.
    IO dispatcher is used to do the network and database-related work. It is basically run on background thread.
    Default is used to do the CPU intensive work.
    Main is the UI thread of Android.

23]  withContext
  withContext is nothing but another way of writing the async where one does not have to write await(). When withContext, is used, it runs the tasks in series instead of parallel.

24] Launch vs Async:
    launch{} does not return anything and the async{} returns an instance of Deferred<T>, which has an await()function that returns the result. //Deferred is a Job that has a result.
    launch: fire and forget
     async: perform a task and return a result

25] **RunBlocking:
    We use RunBlokcing mostly for testing. runBlocking is a coroutine function which not providing any context,
          it will run on the main thread. It's Runs a new coroutine and blocks the current thread interruptible until its completion.
          We can not use this function from a coroutine. //It is designed to bridge regular blocking code to libraries that are written in suspending style, to be used in main functions and in tests.

26] Infix function:
   It is function which we call without dot and breket or paranthysis. Using infix function provides more readability to a function
   eg. and, or , shr

class math {
    // user defined infix member function
    infix fun square(n : Int): Int{
        val num = n * n
        return num
   val m = math()
   val result = m square 3 // call this infix fuction 

27] Collection in kotlin:

In Kotlin basically we have mutable and Immutable collection.
    Immutable      Mutable
    List           MutableList
    Map            MutableMap
    Set            MutableSet

28] Open keyword:
    In Kotlin, classes, functions and the variables are by default final in nature  i.e. they can’t be inherited from any other class.
          So, to make it inheritable from other classes, we use the open keyword with the class, function, and variable name.
    to make a class inheritable to the other classes, we mark it with the open keyword otherwise we will get an error like “type is final so can’t be

29] safecall(?.) and nullcheck(!!)
    The difference between the Safe call and Null check is that we use Null checks (!!) only when we are confident that the property
          can’t have a null value. And if we are not sure that the value of the property is null or not then we use Safe calls(?.).

30] What is difference between safecall operator and by using let() in kotlin ?
    once you put code in let{} block then no need to write every time safe call operator (?) .

31] Elvis Operator(?:)
    first operand ?: second operand
    right-hand side expression is evaluated only if the left-hand side is null.
    a ?: b is just shorthand for if (a != null) a else b

32] Ternary Operator:
    ternary operator expression a ? b : c
    when(a) {
          true -> b
          false -> c

33] :: is used for Reflection in kotlin
    Class Reference val myClass = MyClass::class
    Function Reference this::isEmpty
    Property Reference ::someVal.isInitialized
    Constructor Reference ::MyClass

34] Primitive kotlin
  Kotlin doesn't have primitive type (I mean we cannot declare primitive directly). It uses classes like Int , Float as an object wrapper for primitives. When kotlin code is converted to jvm code, whenever possible, "primitive object" is converted to java primitive

35] Enums
   Kotlin enums are classes like Java enums. Each of the enum constants acts as separate instances of the class and separated by commas. Enums increases readability of our code by assigning pre-defined names to constants. enum constants are instances of an Enum class, the constants can be initialized by passing specific values to the primary constructor.

36] **Sealed class:
    Sealed class gives us to flexiblity to having differnt classes of subclasses. Seald classes are abstract by default but the advantages of use sealed class over abstract class is that, it offers restricted numbers of hierarchy.
    Suppose we handling the different senario of response we can identify the different cases using when(). major advantages is no else case required because we know all the subclasses of Sealed class handle that much.
    Sealed class is build on top of Enums .
   Actully in Enums can hold one value like .. Success or Failure
   But in Sealed classes we can have values for those keys or more describtion for it like handling exception. i.e
   sealed class Result<out T : Any> {
    data class Success<out T : Any>(val data: T) : Result<T>()
    data class Error(val exception: Exception) : Result<Nothing>()

  • Sealed class rules
  •  Sealed classes are abstract and can have abstract members.
  • Sealed classes cannot be instantiated directly.
  • Sealed classes cannot have public constructors (The constructors are private by default).
  • Sealed classes can have subclasses, but they must either be in the same file or nested inside of the sealed class declaration.
  • Sealed classes subclass can have subclasses outside of the sealed class file.

37] What is KTX?
   Android KTX is a set of Kotlin extensions that are included with Android Jetpack and other Android libraries. KTX extensions provide concise,
   idiomatic Kotlin to Jetpack, Android platform, and other APIs. To do so, these extensions have many Kotlin language features, like

    Extension functions
    Extension properties
    Named parameters
    Parameter default values

38] What is labels in kotlin?

Any expression written in Kotlin is called labels . For example, if we are having a for-loop in our Kotlin code then we can name that for-loop expression as a label and will use the label name for the for-loop . So, basically we are giving one name to the for-loop and by doing so whenever we want to call the same for-loop , we can just call it by the label name.

loop@ for (i in 1..10) {

    // some code goes here



39] What are content providersContent providers can help an application manage access to data stored by itself, stored by other apps, and provide a way to share data with other apps

40] Intent v/s PendingIntent v/s Sticky Intent

Intent: Intent is a message passing mechanism between components of android, except for Content Provider. You can use intent to start any component.



A PendingIntent is a token that you give to a foreign application (e.g. NotificationManager, AlarmManager, Home Screen AppWidgetManager or other 3rd party applications), which allows the foreign application to use your application’s permissions to execute a predefined piece of code.
If you want a foreign application to perform any Intent operation at future point of time, then we will use PendingIntent.

Sticky Intent:

Sticks with android, for future broadcast listeners. For example if BATTERY_LOW event occurs then that intent will be stick with android so that if any future user requested for BATTER_LOW, it will be fired.

An intent that is used with sticky broadcast, is called as sticky intent. This intent will stick with android system for future broadcast receiver requests.

sendStickyBroadcast() performs a sendBroadcast(Intent) known as sticky, i.e. the Intent you are sending stays around after the broadcast is complete, so that others can quickly retrieve that data through the return value of registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter). In all other ways, this behaves the same as sendBroadcast(Intent). One example of a sticky broadcast sent via the operating system is ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. When you call registerReceiver() for that action — even with a null BroadcastReceiver — you get the Intent that was last broadcast for that action. Hence, you can use this to find the state of the battery without necessarily registering for all future state changes in the battery.

41] Types of Services

These are the three different types of services:

1] Foreground: A foreground service performs some operation that is noticeable to the user. For example, an audio app would use a foreground service to play an audio track. Foreground services must display a Notification. Foreground services continue running even when the user isn't interacting with the app.

When you use a foreground service, you must display a notification so that users are actively aware that the service is running. This notification cannot be dismissed unless the service is either stopped or removed from the foreground.

2] Background: A background service performs an operation that isn't directly noticed by the user. For example, if an app used a service to compact its storage, that would usually be a background service.


3] Bound: A service is bound when an application component binds to it by calling bindService(). A bound service offers a client-server interface that allows components to interact with the service, send requests, receive results, and even do so across processes with interprocess communication (IPC). A bound service runs only as long as another application component is bound to it. Multiple components can bind to the service at once, but when all of them unbind, the service is destroyed.


42] What is an intentService?

IntentService is an extension of the Service component class that handles asynchronous requests (expressed as Intents) on demand. Clients send requests through Context.startService(Intent) calls; the service is started as needed, handles each Intent in turn using a worker thread, and stops itself when it runs out of work.

This "work queue processor" pattern is commonly used to offload tasks from an application's main thread. The IntentService class exists to simplify this pattern and take care of the mechanics. To use it, extend IntentService and implement onHandleIntent(android.content.Intent). IntentService will receive the Intents, launch a worker thread, and stop the service as appropriate.

All requests are handled on a single worker thread -- they may take as long as necessary (and will not block the application's main loop), but only one request will be processed at a time.

43] What are ViewModel and How do they work on Android? : A class is designed to store and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle conscious way. The ViewModel class allows data to survive configuration changes such as screen rotations.

44] What is LiveData?: It is an observable data holder class. Unlike a regular observable, LiveData is lifecycle-aware, meaning it respects the lifecycle of other app components, such as activities, fragments, or services.

45] What is Dependency Injection and Why to do that? : Reduced Dependencies: Classes often require references to other classes. For example, a Car class might need a reference to an Engine class. These required classes are called dependencies, and in this example the Car class is dependent on having an instance of the Engine class to run. Advantages: Reduced Dependency Carrying, More Reusable Code, More Testable Code, More Readable Code

46] map vs flatMap

  • FlatMap is used to combine all the items of lists into one list.
  • Map is used to transform a list based on certain conditions.



The function passed to map() operation returns a single value for a single input.

The function you pass to flatmap() operation returns an arbitrary number of values as the output.

One-to-one mapping occurs in map()

One-to-many mapping occurs in flatMap()

Only perform the mapping

Perform mapping as well as flattening.

Produce a stream of value

Produce a stream of stream value

map() is used only for transformation.

flatMap() is used both for transformation and mapping.

47] Differene between Service and IntentService



If the task doesn’t require any and also not a very long task you can use service.

If the Background task is to be performed for a long time we can use the intent service.

we use the method onStartService()  to start the service

we use the method Context.startService(Intent) to start the intent service

Service will always run on the main thread.

intent service always runs on the worker thread triggered from the main thread.

There is a chance of blocking the main thread.

tasks will be performed on a queue basis i.e, first come first serve basis.

To stop service we have to use stopService() or stopSelf()

No need to stop the service, it will stop automatically.

Easy to interact with the UI of the application.

Difficult to interact with the UI of the application.

48] What is KAPT?

KAPT stand for kotlin annotation processing tool.

49] What is an inline function?

An Inline function is a kind of function that is declared with the keyword "inline" just before the function declaration. Once a function is declared inline, the compiler does not allocate any memory for this function, instead the compiler copies the piece of code virtually at the calling place at runtime

50] Difference between Coroutine and thread



A coroutine is a program, one of the cooperative types of subprograms which allows to pause and resume at the time of execution.

Threads, on the other hand, are built-in processes.

Coroutines are a form of sequential processing, and one is executed at a time.

Threads are conceptually a form of concurrent processing, i.e., multiple threads get executed at any given time.

Coroutines are not bound to any particular thread.

Whereas, for threads, the Operating system switches threads preemptively based on the scheduler.

Coroutines start execution in one thread, suspend the execution and resume on other thread.

Whereas a thread can be kept blocked for a certain period of time and cannot be used until its work gets completed.

As coroutine is user-friendly and light weight, scheduling is controlled by the user completely.

Thread is a process entity and basic unit of CPU and scheduler dispatch; it can run independently.

Coroutine has its own register context and stack.

Thread does not have its own system resources but has few resources that are essential such as a set of registers and stack.

When a coroutine scheduler switches, register context and stack are saved to another place.

Threads can share all the resources owned by the process and threads belonging to the same process.

In coroutines, the operating stack basically does not have kernel switching overhead and access global variable without a lock. Hence context switching is faster.

In threads, communication is through shared memory. Hence context switching is faster, resource overhead is less, but the process is not stable enough and losses data easily.

Coroutines are Asynchronous.

Threads are of Synchronous mechanism.

Coroutines have user-mode memory space given by threads for data storage.

Threads have Kernel memory space for data storage.

Application code in Coroutines uses code for on-site storage and restoration.

Switch operation is completed in the Kernel layer itself, and the application layer will call syscall, underlying functions given by the kernel layer.

In Coroutines, task scheduling is carried out by a specific scheduler for user-mode realization.

In Threads, task scheduling is realized by Kernel, preemptive mode depending on various locks.

Coroutines have a voice support level for few programming languages such as Go, Python, Lua, etc.

Threads have a voice support level for most of the programming languages.

In coroutines, there is no uniform specification, and implemented by developers at the application layer and is customizable.

For threads, implementation specifications change according to modern operating system specifications.

Coroutines use a function call and resumed later.

Threads use interrupt-based events to change context compared to what coroutines use.

51] What is WorkManager

Android WorkManager is a background processing library which is used to execute background tasks which should run in a guaranteed way but not necessarily immediately. With WorkManager we can enqueue our background processing even when the app is not running and the device is rebooted for some reason. WorkManager also lets us define constraints necessary to run the task e.g. network availability before starting the background task.

Android WorkManager is a part of Android Jetpack (a suite of libraries to guide developers to write quality apps) and is one of the Android Architecture Components (collection of components that help developers design robust, testable, and easily maintainable apps).

52] Launch Mode in Android

1. Standard

This is the default launch mode of activity (If not specified). It launches a new instance of an activity in the task from which it was launched. Numerous instances of the activity can be generated, and multiple instances of the activity can be assigned to the same or separate tasks. In other words, you can create the same activity multiple times in the same task as well as in different tasks.

2. Single Top

If an instance of the activity already exists at the top of the current task in this launch mode, no new instance will be generated, and the Android system will send the intent data through onNewIntent (). If an instance does not exist on top of the task, a new instance will be generated. You can use this launch mode to generate numerous instances of the same activity within the same task or across tasks, but only if the identical instance does not already exist at the top of the stack.

3. Single Task

In this method of operation, a new task is always generated, and a new instance is added to the task as the root one. If the activity already exists on another task, no new instance is created, and the Android system transmits the intent information via the onNewIntent() function. At any one time, there will be just one instance of the activity.

4. Single Instance

This is a highly unique start option that is only used in programs with a single activity. It works similarly to Single Task, except that no additional activities are generated in the same task. Any further activity initiated from this point will result in the creation of a new task.

Mahesh Nawale


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